Teaching Outline

GPnaz Teaching Outline – April 14, 2024
Excavate – Acts 13

Acts 13:1-4 // Saul and Barnabas Sent

Acts 13:4-5 // Arrival in Cyprus
Acts 13:6-8 // Confrontation in Paphos
(To get a picture of Bar-Jesus in your mind, think of Jafar to the Sultan in Aladdin)

Acts 13:9-12 // Paul Confronts Bar-Jesus

  • Often, we need to be humbled to see clearly. 
James 4:6 says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
  • We’re supposed to imitate Jesus.
Acts 13:13-15 // Arrival at Antioch
  • God shows us through Paul that the way we share the message of Jesus matters.
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