Teaching Outline

Breadcrumbs – “Provisions” 2 Samuel
2 Samuel Overview:
Chapters 1-10: David’s victories…
Chapters 11 – 12 David’s sins…
Chapters 13-24 – David troubles…

  • David’s experience is proof that spiritual highs do not assure us that we cannot fall.
  • God does not erase the consequences of David’s sin. God does not erase the consequences of our sin either.
  • At the end of the book, we see a celebration of God’s faithfulness.
The Word of the Lord: 2 Samuel 16:14
“The King and all the people with him arrived at their destination exhausted. And there he refreshed himself.”
How Did David Refresh Himself?
  • He does not remind God of everything he has done right, or what others did wrong to him, but he freely confesses what he has done wrong.
How did David do it?
I Samuel 30:6, “and David was greatly distressed. For the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul…but David strengthened himself in the Lord.”
  • The Word of God comforted his heart and his soul.
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